The ColloCaid team at eLex 2017

Presenting best practices
Members of the ColloCaid team will be presenting at the fifth biennial conference on electronic lexicography, eLex 2017, in Leiden, the Netherlands, 19-21 September 2017. The theme of the conference is electronic lexicography in the 21st Century. In keeping with this theme, we will be presenting our corpus-based project which aims to make lexicographical information more accessible to writers in digital writing environments. Through our interactive poster, we aim to debate which learner corpora could be used to identify difficulties in the use of academic collocations, what academic English corpus or corpora to set as a target, and how to navigate corpora to harness information about collocations. In addition, we would like to discuss elicitation procedures that could be used to gather complementary data. Finally, we invite feedback on how much information to provide users, and how this information can be best integrated with text editors.