Professor Jonathan C. Roberts gave a keynote at the 3rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computing 2020 (iCETiC ’20). The conference took place on the 19-20 August, 2020. It was originally planned to take place at London Metropolitan University, London, UK, but due to Covid-19 it was moved online. The conference was organised by the International Association of Educators and Researchers (IAER), and is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE UKRI Section, IEEE UKRI ComSoc Chapter, IEEE Bahrain Section, IEEE Bahrain ComSoc Section and the Chester and North wales Branch of the British Computer Society.
Professor Roberts’ keynote was titled “The data visualisation iceberg”. His presentation featured Collocaid as a case study. What the user sees is only part of the whole: they see an interactive user interface with several visualisations, but underneath is a complex carefully-curated database of over 30,000 collocations.