Jonathan Roberts and Peter Butcher presented Collocaid at the Wales Academic Symposium on Language Technologies 2020, that took place on the 4th November 2020. The focus on the symposium was on Language Technologies, including Speech Technology and Translation Technology; Natural Language Processing; and Artificial Intelligence and Language.
Professor Roberts said, “It was good presenting ColloCaid at this event. We gave a talk titled ‘Developing ColloCaid – lessons learnt in developing a text-editing tool, and visualising words, to help writers with collocations’. Our presentation was divided into four parts. We first gave background information about the project and the data, second presented how we had designed and developed ColloCaid, third discussed some lessons learnt, and finally we gave a demonstration of the latest version”.
Peter Butcher said “It was good presenting at this symposium and meeting other researchers in the area of language technologies”.

Pete Butcher giving the demonstration