ColloCaid Prototype
Invited Talks
Conference Presentations
In the Media
ColloCaid Prototype

Try out our prototype at:
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A., Rees, G. (2021). “ColloCaid Academic Collocation Errors and Other Problems”. Available at:
( - Sharma, N., Butcher, P. W. & Roberts, J.C. (2021). “ColloCaid Code“. Available at: (
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A., Rees, G., & Lew, R. (2020). “ColloCaid Sample Data”. Available at: (
Ottaiano A.; Cantarotti A.; Kiminami A. ; Caldas A.; Carvalho C.; Rocha C.; Spinelli F.; Costa J.; Lopes L.; Silva L.; Pinto P.; Crosthwaite P.; Moscatelli S.; Serpa T.; and Garcia W. (2023). Using Language Data to Learn About Language: A Teachers’ Guide to Classroom Corpus Use. University of Queensland. Online. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Frankenberg-Garcia, A., Pinto, P.T., Bocorny, A.E. and Sarmento, S. (2022). Corpus-aided EAP writing Workshops to Support International Scholarly Publication. Applied Corpus Linguistics 2/3: 1-13.
Charles, M. & Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2021) “Introduction: Dichotomies and debates in corpora and ESP/EAP writing”. In Charles, M. & Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (Eds.) Corpora in ESP/EAP Writing Instruction: Preparation, Exploitation, Analysis. London: Routledge, 1-10.
- Tavares Pinto, P., Rees, G. & Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2021) “Identifying collocation issues in English L2 research article writing”. In Charles, M. & Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (Eds.) Corpora in ESP/EAP Writing Instruction: Preparation, Exploitation, Analysis. London: Routledge, 147-170.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A., Rees, G. and Lew, R. (2021) “Slipping Through the Cracks in e-Lexicography”. International Journal of Lexicography, 34(2), 206–234.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2020) “Combining user needs, lexicographic data and digital writing environments”. Language Teaching. 54(1), 29-43.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A., Rees, G., Lew, R., Roberts, J., Sharma, N. and Butcher, P. (2019) “ColloCaid: a tool to help academic English writers find the words they need”. In F. Meunier, J. Van de Vyver, L. Bradley, & S. Thouësny (Eds.). CALL and complexity – short papers from EUROCALL 2019. Voillans:
- Roberts, J. C., Al‐Maneea, H. , Butcher, P. W., Lew, R. , Rees, G. , Sharma, N. and Frankenberg‐Garcia, A. (2019), “Multiple Views: different meanings and collocated words“. Computer Graphics Forum, 38, 79-93. doi:10.1111/cgf.13673
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2019). “Developing a text editor to help writers with academic English vocabulary. OASIS Summary of Frankenberg-Garcia et al. (2019) ReCALL”.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A., Lew, R., Roberts, J., Rees, G. and Sharma, N. (2019) “Developing a writing assistant to help EAP writers with collocations in real time”. ReCALL. 31(1), 23-39.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2018) “Investigating the collocations available to EAP writers”. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 35, 93-104.
- Lew, R., Frankenberg-Garcia, A., Rees, G., Roberts, J. and Sharma, N. (2018) “ColloCaid: A real-time tool to help academic writers with English collocations”. Proceedings of the XVIII EURALEX International Congress, Ljubliana University Press, Faculty of Arts, p. 247-254.
Invited Talks
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2023) From dictionaries for writing to writing assistants with integrated dictionaries. Lexicom 2023, Lexicography masterclass, Cambridge, 11-15 September 2023.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2022) Lexical tools to support international scholarly publication. ASIALEX 2022, 15th International Conference of the Asian Association for Lexicography, School of Foreign Studies at Guangxi University for Nationalities (GXUN), Nanning, China, June 17-19, 2022.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2021) Invited talk at the Graduate School of Education Research Seminar, University of Exeter, 6 December 2021.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2021) “Data-driven learning (DDL) Support for Academic English Writing”. International Perspectives on Corpus Technology for Language Learning – Seminar Series, University of Queensland, Australia, 17 November 2021
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2021) Guest talk on Lexicography for EAP writing, European Masters of Lexicography, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 3 November 2021.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2021) Workshop on Bilingual Lexicography with Corpora, European Masters of Lexicography, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 4 November 2021.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2021) “O uso de tecnologias no apoio da escrita acadêmica em inglês“. I Semana de Internacionalização Intercampi-UEMASUL, Maranhão, Brazil, 18 November 2021
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. and Lew, R. (2021) “Writing with dictionaries: Lexicographic support for writing“. XIX EURALEX International Congress, Online, 7-9 September 2021.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2021) “Dynamic data-driven learning”. Featured talk at AILA2021, Groningen, the Netherlands, 19 August 2021. (link to video)
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2021) “Academic English Collocations: from corpus data to assisted writing”. Invited webinar for the Formulaic Language Research Network (FLaRN), 09 July 2021.
- Rees, G. (2021) “Collocation and collaboration: Developing the ColloCaid writing assistant”. Invited seminar for the Infolex research group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 12 April 2021. (link to video)
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2021) “ColloCaid in Corpus-based Translation and Teaching Pedagogy”. Invited webinar at São Paulo State University, 05 February 2021.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2021) “Using ColloCaid for Academic Writing”. BALEAP TELSIG webinar, 29 January 2021. (link to slides; link to video)
- Roberts, J.C. & Butcher, P.W. (2020) “Developing ColloCaid – lessons learnt in developing a text-editing tool, and visualising words, to help writers with collocations”. Language Technologies Symposium on Tools and Resources: The State of Play in Wales, Bangor University, Wales, 04 November 2020.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2020) “Data-driven learning from a text editor”. Incorporating Corpora in Teaching Symposium, Mid-Sweden University, Sweden, 23 October 2020. (video available here from 21:25 to 33:28)
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2020) “Academic English Collocations: from corpus data to assisted writing”. Webinar on Working with Corpora and Digital Tools in Language and Translation Studies: Practical Issues and Methodological Challenges, Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain, 19 October 2020.
- Roberts, J.C. (2020) “The data visualisation iceberg – a reflection on data visualisation”. Talk at the second annual symposium of the Alan Turing Institute Visualization Interest Group (#VizTIG), 08 September 2020.
- Roberts, J.C. (2020) “The data visualisation iceberg”. Keynote at the 3rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computing 2020 (iCETiC ’20), 19-20 August 2020.
- Roberts, J.C. (2020) “Data visualisation iceberg”. Keynote at the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computing, Electronics & Communications Engineering (IEEE iCCECE conference 2020), 17-18 August 2020.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2020) “Assisting Writers with Academic English Collocations: lexical data, text editor integration and user feedback”. Webinar celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics (LAEL), Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 23 May 2020. (slides)
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2020) “Assisting Writers with Academic English Collocations: lexical data, text editor integration and user feedback”. Guest lecture for the European Masters in Lexicography, University Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 19 May 2020.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2019) “Developing ColloCaid, a Text Editor for Improving Vocabulary and Fluency of Academic Writing”. Invited seminar at The Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies, University of Manchester, UK, 14 November 2019.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2019) “ColloCaid: a text editor that helps writers with academic English Collocations”. Talk with hands-on demo at the CLILLAC-ARP research group, Université Paris Diderot, France, 25 March 2019.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2019) “Integrating dictionary and text-editor architectures to help writers with academic English collocations”. Plenary talk at Specialised Discourse and Multimedia Conference, Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy, 14-16 February 2019.
- Lew, R. (2018) “Bringing together academic corpora and collocational research: The ColloCaid academic writing tool”. Invited talk at the 1st Dictionary Day at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 4 December 2018.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2018) “Bringing Collocation Prompts to Text Editors”. Invited talk at the at the City Museum of Ljubljana, 16 October 2018. (slides and video)
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2018) “In search of the perfect marriage: pedagogical lexicography and text editors”. Invited talk at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, 24 May 2018.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2017) “Combining learner needs, lexicographic data and digital writing environments”. Plenary talk at TechLING’17, Languages, Linguistics and Technology: New trends in language teaching, interpreting and translation, University of Bologna, Forlì Campus, 10-11 November 2017.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2017) “Practical Applications of Corpora“. Talk at the Universidade de Lisboa, 23 October 2017.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2017) “How can language learners benefit from corpora, or not”. Plenary talk at Encontro InterNucLis do Programa Idiomas sem Fronteiras (IsF) da Região Sul, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 21-22 August 2017.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2017). “Corpora for Editors”. Seminar presented at the 28th Society for Editors and Proofreaders Conference, Wyboston Lakes, 16-18 September 2017.
Conference Presentations
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2023). ColloCaid Poster presented at Convergence: Human-Machine Integration in Translation and Interpreting conference. University of Surrey, 1-3 February 2023
- Rees, G., Frankenberg-Garcia A., Lew, R., Roberts, J., Butcher P. and Sharma, N., (2021) “ColloCaid: A Corpus-Based Writing Assistant for Academic English Collocation”. Presentation at PLM2021, 16-19 September 2021.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2021) “Taking a broad view of post-editing lexicography”. Paper at eLex 2021: Post-editing Lexicography, Online, 5-7 July 2021. (abstract) (video)
- Rees, G. (2021) “Measuring User Workload in e-Lexicography with the NASA Task Load Index”. Paper at eLex 2021: Post-editing Lexicography, Online, 5-7 July 2021. (abstract) (video)
- Zomer, G. & Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2021) “How useful are writing assistants to researchers with English as a Second Language? A review of existing tools”. Paper at eLex 2021: Post-editing Lexicography, Online, 5-7 July 2021. (abstract)
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A., Sarmento, S., Tavares Pinto, P. & Bocorny, A. (2020) “A data-driven learning approach to supporting the dissemination of research from non-English speaking institutions” Full paper presented at the 14th Teaching and Language Corpora conference (TaLC 2020), 13-17 July, Perpignan, France.
- Roberts, J.C., Butcher, P.W.S., Lew, R., Rees, G., Sharma, N., Frankenberg-Garcia, A., (2020). “Visualising Collocation for Close Writing“. Eurographics & Eurovis 2020, Norrköping, Sweden, 25-29 May 2020.
- Sharma, N., Rees, G., Butcher, P., Lew, R., Frankenberg-Garcia, A. and Roberts, J. (2019) “Co-creating an online learning environment to support academic writing: Lessons learnt in an interdisciplinary setting”. 4th Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities (VIS4DH), Vancouver, Canada, 20 October 2019.
- Rees, G., Frankenberg-Garcia, A., Lew, R., Roberts, J., Sharma, N. and Butcher, P. (2019) “Slipping through the cracks of e-lexicography: lessons from ColloCaid”. Paper at eLex 2019: Smart Lexicography, Sintra, Portugal, 1-3 October 2019. (video)
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A., Lew, R., Rees, G., Roberts, J., Sharma, N. and Butcher, P. (2019) “Assisting Writers with Academic English Collocations”. Demo at eLex 2019: Smart Lexicography, Sintra, Portugal, 1-3 October 2019.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A., Lew, R., Roberts, J., Rees, G., Sharma, N. and Butcher, P. (2019) “Collocations in e-lexicography: lessons from Human Computer Interaction research”. Paper at Collocations in Lexicography: existing solutions and future challenges, Sintra, Portugal, 30 September 2019.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A., Lew, R., Roberts, J., Rees, G., Sharma, N. and Butcher, P. (2019) “ColloCaid: a web-based text editor that assists writers with academic collocations”. Presentation at the 27th EUROCALL conference, 28 to 31 August 2019, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 2019.
- Roberts, J., Frankenberg-Garcia, A., Lew, R., Rees, G. and Sharma, N. (2018) “Visualisation Approaches for Corpus Linguistics: towards Visual Integration of Data-Driven Learning“. Presentation at the 3rd Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities, October 21, Berlin, 2018.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2018) “The collocation repertoire of EAP users”. Paper presented at Teaching and Language Corpora (TaLC), University of Cambridge, 18-21 July 2018.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A., Lew, R. Roberts, J., Rees, G. and Sharma, N. (2018) “Developing a tool to help EAP writers with collocations in real time”. Full paper presented at Teaching and Language Corpora (TaLC), University of Cambridge, 18-21 July 2018.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A., Lew, R., Roberts, J., Rees, G. and Sharma, N. (2018) “Developing a writing assistant to help EAP writers with collocations in real time”. Presentation at the 2nd BAAL Corpus Linguistics SIG event, June 8, Coventry, UK, 2018.
- Lew, R., Frankenberg-Garcia, A., Roberts, J., Rees, G. and Sharma, N. (2018) “Beyond a Static Dictionary: Helping Writers with Academic English Collocations”. Presentation at ASIALEX 2018, June 9, Krabi, Thailand, 2018.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A., Lew, R. Roberts, J., Rees, G. and Pereda, J. (2017) “Best practices in combining learner needs, lexicographic data and text editors to help learners write more idiomatically”. Poster presented at eLex 2017, Leiden, Holland, 19-21 September 2017.
- Roberts, J.C., Frankenberg-Garcia, A., Lew, R., Rees, G. and Pereda, J. (2017) “Visualisation and graphical techniques to help writers write more idiomatically”. Poster presented at the IEEE Conference on Visualization (VIS), October 1-6, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 2017.
In the Media
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. and Rees, G. (2021) “A Free Tool to Help Learners with Online English Choosing Words While They Write”. INGED Newsletter, June 2021. 13-14.
- Rees, G. (2021) “Collocaid: Helping with Academic English Collocations”. EFL Magazine, 13 June 2021.
- Frankenberg-Garcia, A. (2021) “Helping writers with academic English collocations”. IATEFL Voices Magazine, 281, May/June 2021.
- Sutton, K, (2020) “Natural-sounding English: how to find the words that collocate”. Post on the Cambridge World of Better Learning blog.
- Sarmento, S. (2020) “You shall know a word by the company it keeps (Firth, J. R.)“. Video on how to use ColloCaid and other resources for English academic writing (In Portuguese).
- Reis Buzzini, P. (2019) “Unesp incentiva escrita de artigos academicos em ingles”. Diário da Região, 18 April 2019.
- Goulart, L. and Laísa Matte, M. (2018) “Linguística de Corpus e ensino de línguas: uma entrevista com Ana Frankenberg-Garcia” BELT. 9(1), 268-71.