Wales Academic Symposium logo 2020

Collocaid at Wales Academic Symposium on Language Technologies 2020

Jonathan Roberts and Peter Butcher presented Collocaid at the Wales Academic Symposium on Language Technologies 2020, that took place on the 4th November 2020. The focus on the symposium was on Language Technologies, including Speech Technology and Translation Technology; Natural Language Processing; and Artificial Intelligence and Language.   Professor Roberts said, “It was good presenting ColloCaid at Read more about Collocaid at Wales Academic Symposium on Language Technologies 2020[…]

ColloCaid at the “Incorporating Corpora in Teaching” Symposium

On Friday 23 October, Ana Frankenberg- Garcia gave a presentation at the symposium on “Incorporating Corpora in Teaching” organized by the Mid-Sweden University. She talked about the potential of ColloCaid as a Data-driven Learning (DDL) tool which can help writers with academic collocations without the need for corpus training or teacher intervention.

Turing Visualisation Interest Group

Professor Roberts talks at the Turing Visualisation Interest Group

The second annual symposium of the Alan Turing Institute Visualization Interest Group (#VizTIG) was held virtually on the 8th September 2020. The fields of data science and artificial intelligence are generating outputs that are too complex for humans to understand in traditional ways. This symposium focused on ways that visualisation with data analysis can help Read more about Professor Roberts talks at the Turing Visualisation Interest Group[…]

Emerging technologies in Computing, conference proceedings 2020

Keynote at the iCETiC 2020 – Emerging Technologies in Computing 2020

Professor Jonathan C. Roberts gave a keynote at the 3rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computing 2020 (iCETiC ’20). The conference took place on the 19-20 August, 2020. It was originally planned to take place at London Metropolitan University, London, UK, but due to Covid-19 it was moved online. The conference was organised by the International Association Read more about Keynote at the iCETiC 2020 – Emerging Technologies in Computing 2020[…]

iCCECE conference 2020

Keynote at iCCECE 2020 (IEEE Computing, Electronics & Communications Engineering)

Professor Jonathan C. Roberts gave a keynote at the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computing, Electronics & Communications Engineering (IEEE iCCECE conference 2020 ’20). The conference was held on the 17 and 18th August, 2020. Originally it was planned to take place at the University of Essex, Southend Campus, UK, but due to Covid-19 the conference went Read more about Keynote at iCCECE 2020 (IEEE Computing, Electronics & Communications Engineering)[…]

ColloCaid at TaLC 2020

Ana Frankenberg-Garcia and colleagues have a paper at the TaLC 2020 conference which is taking place online this year. This paper reports on a series academic English writing workshops that encouraged researchers and English tutors in Brazil to work collaboratively with corpus tools and resources. This collaborative approach is particularly important in the Brazilian context Read more about ColloCaid at TaLC 2020[…]

Clipboard with document saying webinar on messy desk

ColloCaid Webinar

Ana Frankenberg-Garcia gave a webinar about ColloCaid as part of a series of webinars celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics (LAEL), Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The webinar took place from 9am – 11am (GMT -3) (1300 – 1400 BST). You can find more information and recordings of Read more about ColloCaid Webinar[…]

ColloCaid Guest Lecture at EMLex

ColloCaid Principal Investigator Ana Frankenberg-Garcia gave a guest lecture for the European Master in Lexicography (EMLex). For the academic year 2019-2020, the Faculty of Philology at the University of Santiago de Compostela plays host to EMLex. The guest lecture entitled Assisting Writers with Academic English Collocations: lexical data, text editor integration and user feedback, took Read more about ColloCaid Guest Lecture at EMLex[…]